square for aerospace
Scalable Search.
High Accuracy.
Granular Results.
SQUARE (Scalable Question Answering and Recommendation Engine) for the Aerospace industry is an end-to-end platform that automates the process of manually searching granular information from documents–historical defects, aircraft manuals, safety reports, and troubleshooting approaches. SQUARE uses state-of-the-art AI and NLP techniques to predict granular answers and generate actionable insights.
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for aerospace

The aviation industry involves a vast amount of unstructured data. Searching for the correct information through the conference reports like AMC and FSEMC is tedious, given the volume of versions of such reports. Every day technical service engineers (TSEs) troubleshoot issues related to malfunctions of multiple aircraft parts. To do that, they need to search for information manually across millions of historical defect documents.


SAE ITC uses this platform to digitize its AMC and FSEMC reports. The results also included images with relevant context as SQUARE provides the link to the source document highlighting the section from where the response was extracted.


Although cost saving is dependent on the type and scale of business, below is the generic impact that we have seen among our SQUARE clients.

  • Saves time for searching and validating information in messy and complex unstructured data.
  • Allows higher business acquisition with low operations costs with respect to resources.

SQUARE Features

Real-Time QA System

Feed in any question for finding relevant answers from a specific set of documents

Feedback Analytics System

Fine-tune your models by collecting feedback from Subject Matter Experts


Find answers from a website or a curated knowledge base for your customers/visitors

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How SQUARE Works

Contact us today for more details or a demo

A Complete Set of Search Features

Scalable and Customizable
Domain Adaptable and Fine Tunable
Continuous Learning QA Platform
Machine and Deep Learning Hierarchical Models
AI-Driven Analytics & Actionable Insights
Answers with Confidence Score and Rank
Personalized QA Recommendations
Robust Knowledge Representation
Search Query Catalyst
case study
SAE corporate logo
Partnering with SAE, we have digitized all automotive and aerospace standards to help engineers locate them quickly. SQUARE extracts relevant information to allow users to find specification documents instantly. Working with large aerospace companies like Boeing, Pratt & Whitney and NASA, SQUARE drives OnQue™, SAE's next-generation search system.
Analytical Objectives:
  • Digitization of Industry Standards
  • Data Extraction from Unstructured Sources
  • AI-Driven Search and Retrieval

SQUARE for Aerospace Blog Posts

An Intelligent and Scalable Search Tool for the Aviation Industry

November 11, 2022

Aviation companies have been collecting a lot of unstructured data, like documents related to historical defects, aircraft manuals, safety reports, and troubleshooting approaches. Managing this unstructured data is essential, and AI is the answer.

Read Article >

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